Anxiety Management

1397510588Everything feels so tightly wound.

You’re over-prepared, hyper-vigilant, and ready for anything that might come your way. And you’ve likely been praised for that kind of preparedness for a long time.

Except no one else sees how draining it is for you.

They don’t see what you would give to go into a situation without having to rehearse it a thousand times beforehand…

… or how you sometimes cancel plans because the uncertainty is too much to handle.

… or how you would do anything to walk through life with the ease others seem to have.

The unknown: the ultimate punishment…

The knot in your stomach, tightness in your chest, that keyed-up energy that won’t go away… it’s exhausting.

Your thoughts go from racing through a thousand scenarios a minute to completely blank, and you vacillate between feeling like you have total control and none whatsoever.

You get an email from your boss asking you to touch base… and you’re convinced she’s going to fire you.

You want to share your opinions with friends… but hold back because it might not come off “the right way.”

You consistently subvert your own needs just to keep the peace.

You know it doesn’t have to be this hard, but you have no idea where to start.

1494959993That’s where our work begins.

Anxiety is your body’s way of telling you to care about something – but for you, it’s gone into overdrive.

Let’s work together to loosen its grip on the thoughts and behaviors that aren’t serving you.

Together, we can help harness your anxiety to fuel what you’re most passionate about. You’ll learn to notice and filter out unhelpful anxious thoughts so that you can stick to your values.

Through our work, you’ll learn to be more in control of how you relate to your anxiety – the thoughts you respond to and the ones you turn down the volume on.

You’ll learn the tell-tale warning signs of an oncoming anxiety wave. I’ll provide you with concrete action steps to manage your anxiety at that moment – how to ride out that wave of discomfort.

I’m here to help along the way.

If you feel ready to make this change, reach out for your free 20-minute consultation.

We will discuss your goals, answer any questions you may have, and make sure that I’m the right fit for your needs.

You’ve waited long enough.

Don’t put this off. Give me a call today: (203) 689-3494.